Brandywine Global Programs Credit Courses- Generally, at least one-third of the course work must be completed prior to the trip, one-third of the course work completed during the trip, and one-third of the course work completed after the trip. Note that under-enrolled classes may be canceled and students will be notified.
These are University-Sponsored Tours, open only to Penn State faculty and students.
Follow our Registration Instructions to register.
Students wishing to register for six credits (two courses) on a trip must first have the approval of both instructors. (Because of course requirements on the trip, it is not always physically possible to fulfill the on-site requirements of two courses.) Once the student has the approval of the two instructors, the student must also obtain the approval of his/her academic adviser and the Director of Academic Affairs, Dr. Cynthia Lightfoot ( Students must also have the approval of the Director of Academic Affairs if adding a trip course puts their credit level above 18 credits.
For information about travel arrangements, contact Celestial Voyagers at 1-516-829-1525 or go to their website,
For academic information contact instructors of courses or Rhonda DelViscio at 610-892-1413 or Price includes airfare and hotel double or triple occupancy. See trip details.